Monday, July 11, 2016

July 11, 2016

Guest appearances: Cole Epping

Today Nicole was brought up to speed on everything she had missed. She and Dr. Stonedahl set up the Nicole permeameter, the falling head permeameter, and the Humboldt permeameter. We decided that we need one more day of data collection on both the Nicole permeameter and the falling head permeameter. Along with setting up each permeameter, Nicole started data analysis. She created many charts to go with the data we currently have. Right now we are searching for answers as to why the Nicole permeameter is giving us different K values at the different overflow spots.

Today Caleb wrote the code so that the top row does not go all the way up the window. This means that from a certain pixel we are now only looking left, right, and down now. We are doing this because our pictures had a reflection of blue at the top. Caleb also started looking at the specific spots where the program detected the points incorrectly to see if we can figure out other things that might be wrong with our method.

To do:
Go to star party
Take permeameter data
Continue looking at points
Work on presentation for Augie
Work on posters
Do art farm stuff

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