Tuesday, July 12, 2016

July 12, 2016

Guest Appearances from: Justin Keister

Today Caleb worked on getting run two and run three setup for the program before leaving early to go spelunking and catch Geodudes. Run two is ready for the blue comparison program to find the parameters for it in the simulation comparison program, but the third run still needs a set of marked images before this can be done.

Today Nicole collected the final data points from the falling head permeameter. She also collected the last set of data from the Nicole permeameter, but continued to run the permeameter at the different head levels again to see if K decreased as time went on. We are still unsure if the decrease in K values are due to head differences or the actual amount of time the permeameter has been running (by the time we collect data from A the permeameter has been overflowing for three hours). Nicole and Dr. Stonedahl also collected data from the Humboldt permeameter.

Dr. Stonedahl with the ant farm
Dr. Stonedahl continued playing with the ant farm. We are tentatively planning on setting it up on Friday. Along with cleaning the ant farm, Dr. Stonedahl helped Nicole analyze our data. 

The relationship between volumetric discharge multiplied by the length between the head difference of the Nicole permeameter and the area times the change in head levels. The slope of the graph gives us our hydraulic conductivity (K).

To do:
Get powerpoint for Augie ready
Take more perm data
Continue data analysis
Work on presentation
Probably work on the program some more

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