Today's messages are brought to you by the letter: a
Guest Appearances by: Justin Keister, Dr. Opar
Today Caleb has worked more on the program, mainly working on making the code look nicer and not as much of a mess, but also testing methods to see if we can improve the blue detection. He also compared the physical, simulation, and XOR'd bitmaps with images to see how well it is matching up, and there tends to be extra areas in the darker sand that are identified as blue, so we need to try and eliminate that from happening.
A figure of the percent match for each frame. |
Nicole has worked on parts of the presentation with Dr. Stonedahl. We also got our replacement tube for the Ordered Permeameter and got it put together and set up in the hydrology lab. We also worked on drying the sand more.
New Permeameter Setup |
To Do:
Run the old permeameter and the new permeameter.
Create data sheets for the new permeameter in excel.
Print out more data sheets.
Make sure Caleb knows how to run the permeameter.
Continue working on program.
E-mail Dr. Lillis.
Continue drying more sand.
Avoid the Crisis Drill.
Hopefully we won't get shot. |