Tuesday, June 21, 2016

June 21, 2016

Today's messages are brought to you by the letter: o

Guest Appearances from: Justin Keister, and Dr. Yang

We started the day off by running the Nicole permeameter. Then Nicole collected today's data from the falling head permeameter. Dr. Stonedahl then decided to go frolic in the flowers while Caleb and Nicole were hard at work researching. Unfortunately, our attempts at drying the sand did not work and we are still waiting for the mountain of sand to dry. Nicole finished powerpoint graphics of the PVC pipe permeameters today. She also made more progress on the presentation.

Dr. Stonedahl playing in the flowers
Nicole and Caleb "missing out"
Caleb made more progress on the program. He decided to use a window of twenty-one pixels with a cut off of -1 to determine whether or not it was blue for the simulated picture. He also decided to use a window of twenty-one pixels with a cut off of .05 to determine if the cell is blue in the physical picture.
Dr. Stonedahl and Caleb hard at work

Caleb measuring the volume of water collected
Team work makes the dream work

To do:
Play hyporheic game
Make more progress on presentation
Continue taking falling head and Nicole permeameter data
Work on drying out sand
Make it so the program can cycle through frames
Calculate how close simulated and physical pictures match 
Order graduated cylinder and external hard drive

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