Wednesday, June 22, 2016

June 22, 2016

Today's messages are brought to you by the letter: n
Guest Appearances from: Justin Keister

Today a lot of progress has been made with the program. It can now loop through specified frames of the physical and simulated models, and compare them to see if cells are matching in whether or not they are blue. The code to determine whether or not the physical cells are needs more work on it, so that we can be sure it is giving us the proper values on all the frames. After this step we want to make it so we are looking at four total points instead of just the center point.

We weren't able to take measurements with the Nicole Permeameter today because it wasn't running properly when we went to start it. We then took our falling head measurements. Then, we got help from Kinesiology (Suzanne Wiese), to let us in the exercise physiology lab to use the scales so we could weigh the permeameters. After we measured them, we calculated the volume each of the permeameters could hold, and then we were able to calculate the mass of the permeameters with sand inside. (The sand still has not dried.) Nicole, Dr. Stonedahl, and Justin Keister played the Hyporheic Game. Then we tried to figure out t-tests. Put stuff in MATLAB.

To do:
Write official blog entry (the rest of them have been fake, we're actually researching birds.)
Dry sand
Get program working
Bake Sand Cookies
Remove Herobrine


  1. I am very much looking forward to the official blog post about the avian research agenda...

  2. We may have made a startling discovery about the yellow-billed cuckoo's migration pattern and how it relates to mountain chicken populations!
