Friday, June 24, 2016

June 24, 2016

Today's messages are brought to you by the letter: d
Guest Appearances from: Justin Keister

Again Nicole collected data from the falling head permeameter and the Nicole permeameter. The Nicole permeameter cooperated a lot better today, so that was nice. Sadly, our falling head permeameter shattered our hearts today. When Dr. Stonedahl was cleaning it out the glass cylinder decided it was done with our research and broke into a lot of little pieces. Jokes on it though because we were still able to collect today's data. Dr. Stonedahl ended up finding two more glass cylinders to replace the fallen soldier. Nicole also calculated how much the Caleb permeameter cost and created more graphics for the presentation.

Gone but never forgotten

We finally received the Humboldt permeameter today. Funny story though... one of the tubes arrived broken. The permeameter gods were not with us today. Dr. Stonedahl sent a way kinder email than most would at this time to the company and they are shipping us a new tube. Hopefully we can figure out how to replace the tube when it arrives.

Today wasn't completely awful though. We finally started making progress on drying the sand. We are using heat lamps and the sun to dry out the sand. We will continue this process next week.

Drying the sand

Caleb fixed an error in his code. He also did more research on ways to compare the color values to determine if the cells are blue.

To do:
Figure out how to set up the fancy permeameter
Make more progress on the program

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