Friday, June 17, 2016

June 17, 2016

Today's messages are brought to you by the letter: S
Guest Appearances from: Justin Keister, and Dr. Forrest Stonedahl

We started the day off by visiting the dog group. They explained their protocol and practiced it on a few members of the SRI.


Then Dr. Stonedahl and Nicole collected data from the Nicole permeameter. After each run we have to wait an hour before we can collect data again. In the meantime, Dr. Stonedahl and Nicole collected today's data from the falling head permeameter test. Before lunch Dr. Stonedahl and Nicole collected the second set of data from the Nicole permeameter and set it up to run the hour during the lunch break. Tragically, when we returned from lunch we realized that the constant head flow was interrupted. Some sand ended up partially drying out because of the lack of constant flow of water through the permeameter, ending our data collection for the day.

Dr. Stonedahl and Justin

Caleb continued to work on his computer program. Dr. Forrest Stonedahl visited and was able to help Caleb with his program. Caleb also consumed three ice cream cones today during the course of two hours. Dr. Stonedahl came in second with eating two ice cream cones.

Dr. Forrest Stonedahl and Caleb

To do:
Collect more data
Start presentation
Get more literature

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