Wednesday, June 15, 2016

June 15, 2016

Today's messages are brought to you by the letter s
Guest Appearances from:
Dr. Forrest Stonedahl, Dr. Yang, Dr. Eikleberry, Cole Epping, and Justin Keister

Today Nicole and Dr. Stonedahl started the day off by noticing that the permeameter had leaked all night. We searched all over for the leak and found out that it might have been leaking in many places. The major leak was coming from a piece that we added a screen to this year to try to stop the flow of sand into other portions of the permeameter. It might have been from the piece being extremely hard to screw together and not having a tight enough seal. We also re-puttied the other pieces and that helped contain the leak. Nicole and Dr. Stonedahl also finished the permeameter today by adding a ruler. The permeameter is ready for business tomorrow.

Nicole and Dr. Stonedahl also put together the Hvorslev falling head permeameter test. It will be ready for testing tomorrow.
Nicole adding sand to the Hvorslev falling head permeameter test

Caleb spent the first half of the day beginning a program to compare the blue dye from the simulated and physical runs last year. After some amount of time working on it, he realized that he chose the wrong image to select the coordinates from (it was a picture from before the camera was adjusted), so he had to go back and re-do the coordinates that will at some point be plugged into the program along with the time lapse pictures.

Dr. Forrest Stonedahl and Caleb

For Tomorrow:
Collect first data from the Falling Head Permeameter and the Nicole Method
Mail Back Permeameter
Make a list of supplies for putting together the permeameter
Caleb can continue working on program
Present to other groups at lunch
Remove Herobrine

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